Pool Leak Detection

Identify and Fix Leaks

Our Pool Leak Detection Services

We provide advanced technology and techniques for detecting pool leaks with thorough inspection and diagnosis, offering efficient and accurate solutions. Learn more about our expertise in leak detection services.
A view of an in-ground pool showcasing multiple features with a blend of hardscaping and greenery. The pool area includes various elements.

Advanced Technology and Techniques

Our experienced technicians use state-of-the-art equipment, such as electronic listening devices and pressure testing systems, ensuring a thorough inspection and diagnosis of your pool's plumbing system.

By employing these cutting-edge methods, we can efficiently identify the source of leaks and provide precise solutions for residential and commercial pools.

Thorough Inspection and Diagnosis

Pool leak detection involves a thorough inspection and diagnosis process. Our experienced technicians use advanced technology to carefully examine your pool for leaks, swiftly identifying the source and providing efficient solutions to prevent further damage.

Efficent and Accurate Solutions

Efficient and accurate solutions quickly identify and repair leaks, saving water and preventing costly damage. Advanced technology and techniques ensure thorough inspections to pinpoint the source of the leak for precise repairs.

With our tailored approach to detecting leaks, we help customers save money on unnecessary expenses associated with unaddressed leaks.

    Signs of Pool Leaks

    Signs can include a noticeable loss of water level and the presence of soggy areas around the pool. Keep an eye out for cracks in the pool structure and an unexpected increase in water bills.
    A filled in-ground pool viewed from a vertical angle.

    Loss of Water Level

    Noticing a drop in your pool's water level could signal a leak, leading to significant water loss. Polynesian Pools specializes in swimming pool leak detection services that quickly pinpoint the source of the problem.

    A consistent decrease in water without any obvious reason, such as evaporation or splash-out, often points towards hidden leaks within your pool's plumbing system or structure. Left unchecked, these leaks can cause substantial damage and result in increased water bills.

    soggy grass next to a swimming pool

    Soggy Areas Around the Pool

    Soggy areas around a pool often mean there's a leak that needs quick fixing. If water keeps seeping out, it can ruin the landscaping and even weaken the pool's structure. Letting this go unchecked might lead to bigger issues, like higher water bills from needing to fill up the pool more often and damage to the area around the pool.
    cracks in a swimming pool

    Cracks in the Pool Structure

    Another alarming sign of potential leaks is visible cracks in the pool structure. These fissures can be more than just unsightly; they could signal deeper issues within your pool’s foundation.

    Ignoring these cracks can lead to water loss and may compromise the structural integrity of the entire swimming area. Professional inspection from a company like Polynesian Pools becomes crucial at this point, as we can accurately diagnose and swiftly address such critical concerns.

    garden hose putting water into swimming pool

    Increased Water Bills

    Ignoring pool leaks can lead to increased water bills and expensive repairs down the line. Pool leaks result in substantial water loss, impacting residential and commercial utility costs.

    Timely resolution through professional detection services can prevent unnecessary water waste and lower the burden of rising water expenses.

      Benefits of Professional Leak Detection

      Pool leaks can compromise a pool's structure, leading to potential water damage and safety hazards. They may cause soil erosion and shifts in the pool's foundation. In addition, water seeping through cracks or tears can weaken materials and result in costly repairs.

      Why Choose Our Pool Leak Detection Services?

      two polynesian pool team members applying a coating to a pool's staircase

      Experienced and skilled technicians

      Pool leak detection services are performed by skilled and certified technicians who have the knowledge to identify and fix leaks effectively. These technicians use cutting-edge equipment and advanced techniques to carefully inspect and diagnose any potential leaks in your swimming pool or spa.

      With a guarantee of customer satisfaction, our qualified technicians provide top-notch repairs and solutions tailored to ensure the safety, hygiene, and structural integrity of your pool.

      selfie taken by the polynesian pools family

      Excellent customer service

      Our certified technicians guarantee customer satisfaction using the latest equipment for reliable and professional leak detection. Tailored solutions ensure safety, hygiene, and structural integrity of your pool.

      Prompt attention to leaks can prevent further damage and high water bills. Our services lead to quicker identification of leaks and faster repairs, saving you time, money, and maintaining a safe pool environment.

      Contact Us

      At Polynesian Pools, we are committed to providing our customers with the highest level of quality and the best products. We are dedicated to ensuring that you are completely happy with the results.